SAFE AND TRANSPARENT CLAREMONT is a diverse collection of neighbors, residents and concerned citizens trying to promote rational conversations and provide facts which are not being disclosed by Jamboree, Pilgrim Place or the City regarding Larkin Place.
We are NOT against supportive housing but we ARE against the PSH on Harrison Ave. that is within 1 block of El Roble middle school, Larkin Park (home of Claremont AYSO) and The First Baptist Church preschool. We believe this is not the right population and not the right location considering the alternatives.
We are trying to bring transparency and education to a discussion that is dominated by Jamboree – a $3.2Billion O.C. corporation that stands to profit off Larkin Place, and by local and City officials who are promoting only the perceived benefits of the project without considering the negative impacts.
We cannot stand back and “trust” Jamboree and the City to look after our interests nor can we minimize the complicated issues of mental illness, addiction, income inequality and affordable housing that this project fails to adequately address.
Contact Us
Contact Group Administrator Linda Mawby